

                                                    WORKING TOGETHER
                                                     HUGGING EACH OTHER.
                                                     A  RESPECT FOR ONE ANOTHER.
                                                     NURTURING ALL
                                                     ACCEPT EACH OTHER  
                                                     USING OUR MANNERS.     

                   USING MY SENSES TO EXPLORE 
    Sounds like lots and lots of broken glass
                     rubbing together
      Looks like trillions and trillions of golden
      Feels like wrinkly sugar
      Smells like the ocean
      Taste  gritty and salty.

                                            Yummy, healthy food
                       Fresh tomatoes and chicken too
                                   Makes me feel alive

         I see the long strands of hands of
       I hear the cries of Tangaroa as I touch
                                her hand.
       I feel the squishy hands of Tangaroa            
      As the smell of her whiffs pass me
                   Cold wet  tears  trickle  slowly down the faces on the whanau as we wait...

                                                Going to the beach
                     Splish! Splash! Splosh! Shivering like jelly wobbing on a plate as I take a dip
                              into  the ocean......

                                             Birthday party

                     Charming smiles creases the  faces of those waiting as the guest of honour arrives....


                         100 metres  sprint                                             MOLIE

                                                The heart beating fast, people screaming
                                         Have faith in yourself, your body, I say to myself
                                    Bend thy knees, head held high, arms pumping like a train
                                       Where is the cheater in you?  I say. Lets go. I can do it.
                                         Yes the finishing line is in sight, oh thank goodness.
                                                This cheater is running out of breath.
                                    ACROSTIC POEM                       ALEXANDRA
                               We know we can do it
                               Helping each other
                               A respectful whanau
                               Never give up-our motto
                               Accept one another for who they are
                               Uniqueness is beautiful
V Tangaroa

Walking along the sand, 
leaving evidence through footprints.
Seaweed floating around my feet
as I walk through  the waves
that lap the shoreline.

The sand howls in pain feeling as feet  hurdle acorss it.
Water deliberately crushing everything in its pathway.
Throwing up all that it can as it rocks back and forth.

Sea birds flying ,nipping fish  as they skim along the waves.
The sun's ray of light ricochets down and hits the face
                      of the sea.
As the waves flow back and forth, short and long.


As I stumble  along the golden sand,
The sun is blazing down, coating my body
Waves  sprinting and curling like a flexible ruler .
Footprints left behind as I make my way to the water.   
But gone by the next swoosh of water that sweeps up the sand.   


                                   My Friends

 MOLIE made her mum mad
FAUSTINA freaked out with fustration
JORGE jumped crazily on the jam
ALE ate apricots all day long
ESMERALDA ate eggs everyday.



       The day had arrived.  So so proud to be a member of SEHC kapa haka group for 2013 yet I am only a year seven  student. Many practises, 2 to 3 weekend sleepovers at the school whare.
        It was worth it, for now I am going to perform in front of many people and whanau. 
         Oh my GOD! the day is so hot and I am standing in line waiitng to walk on stage. Sweat is surrounding my body, is this because I am nervous or is it just the heat.
 On stage excitement over took the nerves, all those faces. I thought to myself, I can only do my best.
Guitar started, what I have been learning comes back to me. This is great, so so proud to show how important my culture is to me.




 I feel the breeze shifting my hair, wet sand between my toes.
Waves crashing loud  like  thunder on to the shore
swaying back and forth like hula girls.
As walk along the shore, I think to myself
  It's so good to be alive.



1:Casket   2:  Burial

Teary eyed, gazing at the polished covering, holding  no longer a living person, who once was a family hero. Father of 4, grandfather of many including me.
Slightly staring directly at the casket." I wonder why I feel so lonely " I whispered in tears.

" Is papa sleeping? " My cousin reached out his little palm and held my hand helplessly. I replied " YES". He scurried off on tiny feet reminding me of the wonderful time my papa and I played  rugby.
 Down he went, so silently. Digging... tears were shed, as time flew by. Standing so stern, ready to do the haka, as our  papa is lowered.

Saddest moment ever......


                                                 Great Start!
"Are you sure it's us?", exclaimed my teacher with a proud grin spread across her face making her glow all over with happiness. "YES" we did it! So  up to this point we are the top classroom. We demonstrate that we care for the environment by keeping our surroundings neat and tidy.  We are the top class in attendance. WHY! The whole class is keen and eager to learn.  Lastly, we are always ready for Physical Education, in our fitness gear, waiting patiently.
 Year 7's won the first week of being top class! Actually 2 Year 7 classes! How? By using teamwork  (Mahi Tahi!).
Best of all for Rm 1,2 we won the end of the week challenge-Tabloids! We were a bit slow off the mark, eating and chewing every bit of the Weet-Bix, but because of teamwork, persistance and faith in our fellow classmates we were able to catch up with the other 2 competing classes.  Passing  the wheelbarrows, the plank walk, the tyers we reached the lead, encouraging each other along the way. Before we knew it the last person  in our group had completed the human  pyramid. We celebrated our victory, proudly, as the other teams disappointingly lumbered towards the sideline.
 Can we do it again? Of course we can!


 At  the  top!

                                        Hands clutched tightly on  to the steel handles.
                                                       wind blowing quickly.
                                           3, 2 ,1 releasing the wheels, taking off as I twist
                                                          the handle bars.
                                                  Sweat trembling off the top.
                                        My heart pumping nervously as I go through
                                                   the nerveracking path way.
                                       Wind whispering as I go through the hill of death.
                                                The tracks get riskier and riskier every moment.
                                            The dust spreads all behind and follows me.
                                                             I arrive at the end.
                                                             with a proud smile as
                                                        I conquer  the hill of death .


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